Thursday, 30 June 2011

IT'S OUT NOW!!!!!!!! (FOL - 3RD EDITION, 2011)

AWESOME.......The third (3rd) Quarter edition of your ever-powerful and ever-inspiring Fountain of Life - Daily Devotional Guide written by Rev Alex Owusu Amankwah is out. The book, which has made immense impact in the lives of all who use it quarter after quarter was launched last Sunday at the Praise Sanctuary by the Papa himself. Launching it, he encouraged every church member to ardently use the book since there are numerous testimonies always flooding in from people who use the book consistently. Through the use of this book, many have been inspired morning after morning, many have received their salvation and a lot more have joined the church. One awesome testimony through the years is that of the impact it made on the life of Elder Dr Richard Amponsah, lecturer - GIMPA. He came in contact with this devotional guide, found it impacting and later made a decision to join the church. In his own testimony, he continues to study the book with his students before every morning lecture and many have been touched by it.
Watch out for a copy coming to your branch soon. If you also need a copy or more, please contact the Administrator on (+233)0201466052, the Presiding Elder on (+233)0244253607 or Pastor Richmond on (+233)0243839139. You can also contact the same numbers if you want to be a partner who supports the ministry of this great man of God (Rev Alex Owusu Amankwah). I can assure you that as you begin to use this book each morning, God will not only meet your daily need, but He will always draw you into Him. SEE YOU ON THE TOP!!!

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