Saturday, May 28, 2011
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Genesis 1:27
Often, the negative words and opinions of others can cause us to doubt our dreams. People could make you feel like a failure, a weakling, someone who would not amount to anything. But understand that other people don’t set the limits for you. They don’t determine your destiny; God does!
It doesn’t matter if others don’t believe you. Their unbelief should not stop you from believing in your God-given dreams. You don’t need everyone to validate you. You don’t need to get confirmation from all your friends. You just need God’s approval. What if all men approve of you, but God does not? Understand that God made you in His image and so He alone knows you better. He sees the treasures hidden in you. He sees what others are unable to see in you!
Anyone created in God’s image cannot be a failure. Your future is not defined by your past, but by the divine nature of God at work in you. It doesn’t matter the negative things that have been said of you in the past; the God-kind of life in you is greater than any curse! Begin to live like one created in God’s image!
I am made after the likeness of God so I cannot be a failure in life. I am fearfully and awesomely made, endowed with great abilities. Everywhere I go, I dominate, rule and possess all things because God has commissioned me to. I represent God and I walk in His power and authority!
I am created in the very image of God and in His likeness. I thank You Lord that You have made me so special and You have placed me above the kingdoms and the nations. I pray that I will walk in this higher authority in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Reference: Genesis 5:2; Psalm 139:14; Romans 3:3
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